but today is May 1st. 1ero de Mayo and if some of you remember in 2006, there was a national call out for action to show support for immigrants, i am happy to say that on that day 40,000 plus showed up to the steps of the cathedral in St. Paul and marched as one to the steps of the capitol. i have never seen so many people in one place, it was beautiful and as i was listening to piolin and calling my mom to pick her up all i could think was that this memory is a special one, cuz i got to share it with my madre. she always told me that she thought i shoulda been born in the 60's , but hey las cosas se repiten.
Its been 3 years now and people have asked me what the purpose of the marches were, since no legislation was passed and i tell them that in my opinion it was a show of force, a stand against injustice and a call to action. a resistance. sure, extreme right wing people used it as a tool for their propaganda but WE used it to show the world, que no somos invicibles, and we can unite across cultural and geographical differences. Man, it was beautiful to see all types of brown faces that day.
but its also important to understand that the fight is not over. Just cause we have a POC presidente does not mean that things will be easier. Como se dice LA LUCHA SIGUE!
so today, if you don't get a chance to go out to a march, or protest, at least printout this flyer! and post it in your office,car, home, apt donde sea. show some solidarity.
you can print it out off the CIMARRONES website May Day Flyer
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