Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Photo Shoot & Verve Grant 2011

It's been a while folks!

i know its been daunting, but my life right is full of great things. To start off on Wed Aug. 3 i celebrate 10 years of marriage with my best friend, Nubia. We are also expecting the arrival of our new family member Santiago anytime soon. So my focus as of lately has been on family. =)

the girls with Santiago's new bed!

But besides that i've been developing new pieces, i participated in my first slam not too long ago and placed 4th. Not too bad for a first try. i was nervous, but i think i did well enough, so i am gonna try to do it more often.

Slamming at the Blackdog Cafe photo by Rudy Aviña

In addition i have been working on EP project titled DON'T LET THEM ERASE YOU, in which i am writing and experimenting with music. Yes! you heard right! i am currently working with local musicians and looking to release it this upcoming year.

But the things that i am mostly looking fwd (besides Santiago's arrival) is that i am one of the recipients of the 2011 VERVE SPOKEN WORD GRANT along with Michael Lee, Naadirah Tha Great, Aimee Renaud, Jake Virden and Chaun Webster. You can get more information about the artists here.

I am excited because i get to start a new project, do something that its a long time overdue, tell the stories of new and already established latin@ immigrants in Minnesota. The idea is to interview folks, have them tell me about their experiences, about their stories and my job is to give life to their words through spoken word. I have had the fortune to run into all types of writers/poets from all types of backgrounds and from different parts of what we call AMERICA. All of them have taught me things not only about the Minnesota experience, but also about life. i hope to be able to give life to their story.

I also got new headshots thanks to family friend Sue Stirling! she has recently moved back to Philly, so if you are in the area and like her work let me know and i will shoot her info!

here are a few from the photo shoot!

En Lucha,



ELMA said...

Congrats man, on everything!! Wonderful to see great things happening for you and your family. Thanks for sharing and keep on keepin' on!

Rodrigo Sanchez-Chavarria said...

thank you!! its been a good year!

Raul Colon said...

Mucho Animo Rodrigo y felicidades una vez mas en ser papa!

Rodrigo Sanchez-Chavarria said...

Gracias Raul! Aqui esperamos la llegada de Santiago con mucho animo y amor!